Weber SRV 300 Rammer Compactor, Rammer, Compactor, WeberMT, Weber, Pave Tool Compaction, Jumper, Jumping Jack
Weber MT SRV300 Rammer sold by Pave Tool
Weber SRV 300-II Rammer - Call 860-870-8665 for Special Pricing & Payment Options

Weber SRV 300-II Rammer

Item# 170057

Weber MT - SRV 300 - narrow foot trench rammer

Narrow shoe rammer. Lightweight and easy to transport wieghing only 71 lbs.  A particularly good choice for compacting around pipe ties in ditches or around conduit. Suitable for compacting edges of pathways, for installing drainage systems or for hardscape and landscape professionals.

Item# Model Engine Wgt./lbs Blows / Min W (in)
170055 SRE 300 Battery 73 790 5.5
170051 SRV 300 GX35 71 790 5.5
170160 SRV 590-II GXR120 137 700 11
170250 SRV 620-II GXR120 146 700 11
170430 SRV 660-II GXR120 154 700 11




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